Sweet Life. Thank you. Thank you and thank you. Super soft and all the feels. When my body feels at home. When it feels so natural and familiar. Yet exciting. You smell good. I inhale and let my lips gently touch your neck. God, if this is it, I'll ask for no more. Of course I want everything and devour every delicious inch of him until the day I die. But if this is it, I'll be forever grateful. To know how it feels to have you close. To know we fit perfectly. You know I'm all yours if you want me. AND if life don't want to give me more of you, I'll treasure you in my body, soul and mind. You are precious. I don't lose myself in you. It isn't butterflies and anxiety. It feels different. My eyes are wide open,I'm sober and conscious. This is not only desire and lust. You feel right for my whole system and being. I feel calm, rooted and happy. You are a gift. I wish I was yours.And it isn't my choice to make. Anyway, I chose to trust life, myself and you. Deep breath.